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How Much Is Your Home Worth?

Edie Israel

After years of executive sales and marketing experience as well as entrepreneurial success, Edie entered into the real estate market of Southern Calif...

After years of executive sales and marketing experience as well as entrepreneurial success, Edie entered into the real estate market of Southern Calif...

Oct 29 4 minutes read

Are you wondering how much your home is worth? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, this is one of the most frequently googled search terms in southern California – and across the U.S.  


If you’re like many homeowners, you may have put your faith into Zillow or one of its competitors. Unfortunately, as easy as these sites make it to get a quick answer, you can’t always be certain it’s an accurate answer. 


The good news is that you can get an accurate estimate of your home’s value in a different way, but one that’s arguably just as easy.


Can You Trust Real Estate Marketplace Sites for Home Values?


Zillow, Redfin and others can give you a rough estimate of your home’s value, based on others that have recently sold in your area. They can compare some basic information such as price per-square-foot and major amenities like pools and garages. 


What these automated calculators cannot do is estimate the salability of your home. In other words, how popular are your home’s features as compared to what today’s buyers look for? These sites also can’t evaluate some of the more intangible features of a property, such as its curb appeal, proximity to popular amenities and how desirable the floor plan may be.


Marketplace estimates of value tend to be lower than the actual value of a property. That may be good news if you’ve already decided to list your house but, if the estimates you’ve seen are lower than you expected, they may have discouraged you from moving forward with a sale.


Before you make a decision either way, get an accurate, up-to-the-minute estimate of your property value.


The Quickest, Most Accurate Way to Determine Your Home’s Value


You might have already guessed the answer but, hands down, the best way to determine how much your home is worth is to ask a local Realtor®. 


A real estate broker or agent who’s active in your market has the expert knowledge and experience to give you an accurate answer. Local Realtors® are working in the market every day, keeping abreast of trends and values. They know what buyers are looking for in your area right now, and they can provide you with a competitive market analysis (CMA), detailing precisely how they arrived at their opinion of value.


What a Realtor® can do that the marketplace sites can’t is in-depth research specific to your property’s location and amenities. Your agent can also evaluate the exact financial structure of comparable sales, as they can heavily influence value. For example, if a seller contributed 3 percent to the buyer’s closing costs, it can create a sale price that appears higher than the net price paid by the buyer.


Determining the value of your home is quick and easy when you contact the Edie Israel Team of professional Realtors®. You can call us, contact us directly through our website or send us an email with your property address. The more information we can obtain about the condition of your home, the finishes and amenities it has, etc., the more accurate we can be. 


Contact us today to learn more. We look forward to helping you determine how much your home is worth.

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