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Selling a Home for Top Dollar during the Winter

Edie Israel

After years of executive sales and marketing experience as well as entrepreneurial success, Edie entered into the real estate market of Southern Calif...

After years of executive sales and marketing experience as well as entrepreneurial success, Edie entered into the real estate market of Southern Calif...

Oct 29 4 minutes read

The best time for selling a home in Southern California has long been believed to be springtime or summer. But that doesn’t mean you have to wait to put yours on the market to command top dollar. 

selling a home in the winter

Selling a home during the winter may present some unique challenges, but with the right preparation, you can command a good price. All you have to do is identify the best ways to appeal to cold-weather home buyers. 

Marketing Strategies for Selling Your Home During the Winter

Home listings with great photos attract more attention than those without, particularly with today’s culture of left-swiping unattractive choices. 

To help your house sell during periods of inclement weather, use marketing photos taken before the bad weather arrived. Pictures from spring or summer will appear more alive and interesting, because the trees will have leaves and flowers will be budding. 

Also, make sure your interior photos don’t reflect the winter season. Don’t include holiday decorations in your pictures. 

You may also want to arrange for professional staging before taking your listing photos. A professional stager knows how to highlight your home’s strengths to appeal to more winter home buyers. 

Curb Appeal Still Matters When Selling a Home in Winter 

Online listings aren’t all that matter when it comes to selling a home in the winter. Home buyers who like how your property looks in photos will eventually drive by or schedule a showing to check it out in person. And that’s why curb appeal is essential. 

Of course you can’t put leaves back on the trees or stop the snow from falling. But you can make sure that your property is well-maintained. 

Don’t let leaves pile up on the lawn, and shovel your sidewalks, concrete walkways and driveway when it snows. In the winter as well as summer, curb appeal is about making sure that your property looks well-tended. It’s just much easier to do during the summer. 

Adding More Lighting in Winter Can Help Sell Your Home 

During the winter, the sky is often dark by the time people are done with their work day, which is when many home buyers have the time to look at properties for sale. 

Make sure your house can be seen, regardless of how dark it is, by installing landscape lighting. Strategically placed, outdoor lights can better show off your property’s features to interest potential home buyers. 

While you’re at it, consider adding more lights inside the house. A few extra floor lamps could do a world of good in terms of making your rooms look brighter and cheerier, which can boost the chances of selling your home. 

The professional Realtors® of the Edie Israel team understand that in Yorba Linda and the surrounding communities, our winter weather isn’t like weather in other parts of the state. This is one reason that winter buyers seek out our communities. Our team of experts can offer personalized advice to help market your home most effectively. Contact our office today, and let us help you navigate the process of selling a home in Southern California.

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