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The First-Time Home Buyer’s Guide to House Projects

Edie Israel

After years of executive sales and marketing experience as well as entrepreneurial success, Edie entered into the real estate market of Southern Calif...

After years of executive sales and marketing experience as well as entrepreneurial success, Edie entered into the real estate market of Southern Calif...

Oct 29 4 minutes read

If you’re first-time home buyer, prepare for a thrill-ride full of laughs, a few tears and projects — lots and lots of projects. 

If you’re like most first-time buyers, in fact, it will be hard to control your urge to do all the things you want to do right now. The worst thing you can do within a few days (or hours) of closing on your first house is to hit the home improvement warehouse. If you do, you’re likely to come out with carts full of supplies and the intent to tackle every possible job around your new home. 

So once you close on your new home — but before you hit the hardware store — take a moment to reflect on what needs to be done and how best you can accomplish your goals. 

first time home buyer projects

Prioritize Your List of House Projects 

Start by walking your new home room by room and writing down all the projects you want to undertake. Once you’ve finished inside, take a walk around the home’s exterior as well as the rest of the property.  

Don’t worry about going overboard with your list. Write down anything and everything. You can always go back through and delete projects if you change your mind, or archive them for a later date. 

Once you have listed all your projects, categorize them. For example, you might section your list into priorities — high, medium and low. You’ll have to be brutally honest with yourself here, because you can’t do everything at once. 

Determine What You Need to Complete Each Project 

Once you have your projects listed and prioritized, make notes on what you need to accomplish each one.  

For example, if you want to change out your toilets, you’ll need to purchase the fixtures and accessories. With a little online research, you should be able to determine the approximate cost and time to complete the project. 

If you come upon a project that you don’t have the skills or equipment to complete, you’ll need to contact a local tradesperson or contractor for estimates. Don’t think twice about hiring someone to do the work you aren’t qualified for. Otherwise, you could get hurt or damage your home — and your homeowners insurance may not cover it! 

Calculate Your Financial & Time Requirements 

Once you know approximately what each project will cost and how long it will take, you can start to rough out your schedule. This will help you budget for the expenses and schedule your time. Some projects you can complete in an evening, while others may take an entire weekend. 

Finally, build in a little bit of a buffer for each project, both for cost and time. Home projects never tend to go as smoothly as you envision them, so plan for a few unexpected expenses and delays.  

Are you a first-time home buyer who’s ready to take the plunge?  

If you’re interested in buying a home in Yorba Linda, the Edie Israel Team can guide you through this complex and potentially daunting experience. Contact us today to learn more about how easy it is for first-time home buyers to make the dream of homeownership a reality.

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